Monday, August 13, 2007

All in the name of Jesus??

Ok was only a matter of time before I wrote something like this and I'm a bit emotional from a recent situation so I will try to be as rational and reasonable as I can while writing this. The issue of Christianity and "church folk" is a sensitive spot for me for several reasons (which I won't go into in this post). My conviction and belief in Jesus as Lord is one that will never change, no matter what anyone near or far perceives. There is no doubt in my mind that he is every reason why I exist and why I am blessed the way that I am . And if it weren't for my personal encounter with him, I would convert.... (I can hear gasps from miles away...even the faint sound of oil pouring in a jar as someone waits eagerly to lay hands on me).

If anyone is authorized to talk about "church folk" it's me. Why? Because I used to be one, of course. And now that I no longer am, I can clearly see the flaws that so severely plague believers and, more importantly, non believers. I am not here to discredit the Bible or its contents, but to seriously challenge the interpretations and the corresponding approaches to this religious lifestyle.

"Church folk", in a nutshell, are self proclaiming Christians (more specifically, protestants) who spend most of their time enforcing and upholding the Christian doctrines/values/structures/traditions of other people than they do actually enforcing and upholding these things for themselves. Many of them are self appointed judges while residing in glass houses. If you do not fit their mold of a Christian you are "out of order", "in sin", "disobedient", and the worst of all NOT SAVED (or not Christian). And mind you, their ideals differ depending on which church or denomination you are. They each have their own set of rules. But generally this seems to be the practice across the board. The focus is more on the "works" of man than the actual deity of Jesus (which stifles the works they seek to observe). Ironic isn't it? I've listed a few more characteristics below:

1) The term accountability is used as an excuse to control and manipulate people into living righteously without allowing room for the individual to receive conviction, understanding, or spiritual wisdom on their own
-i.e. Showing up on the doorsteps of someone's house to prevent them from going on a date because it is after 9pm (yes this did happen...and it happened TO ME).

2) Once you get saved (the act of receiving Christ as Lord with no requirements accept to believe), you must start to continue to work and live according to the Bible in order to maintain this salvation (the very thing you DIDN'T have to work for to receive).

3) They highly encourage the giving of your money to the church, but find fault when members ask to see proof of the budget and how money is being utilized.

4)Doctrine is more important than the Biblical teachings
i.e. No Secular music
No Drinking
No dating
Must stand up/sit down/sing/don't sing/pray in tongues/don't pray in tongues to be saved

5) Their idea of evangelism is to convert the outside appearance and behaviors before simply leading people to a better and more peaceful lifestyle and allowing God to transform them how he sees fit.

6) Churchy cliches are often used in regular conversation, regardless of the audience.
"Glory to God"
"I'm blessed and highly favored"
"I plead the blood"
"The devil is a liar"

Wanna know the funny part about all of this? These people don't even realize they fit this list.

I heard on the radio the other day that there is a church in Minneapolis who is coming out saying that the bridge collapse is God's judgment on the city for supporting homosexuality (the same thing was said 6 years ago about 9/11). Really? And again, even if per chance God was judging them and decided to allow the bridge to collapse, wouldn't Jesus want you to show LOVE and use that as an opportunity to show them HIS love? And there are many Christians who love to judge in that way because it validates who they are and makes them feel more secure about their heavenly seat-the seat that they themselves did not work to receive. Oh how quickly we forget where we came from, and how close we are to falling........

The point I am trying to get at is this: judging and striking people (believers and non believers) with the religious rod is ineffective and irrelevant. Everyone has their own approach to Christianity and if they differ from yours, that's fine. But please stop trying to make everyone look like "you". Stop assuming someone doesn't know the Lord just because you heard them curse. Try talking to them instead of handing them a track. Find out what's going on with them and why they are cursing/stealing/sexing/fill in this blank. Get to the heart of man, learn his spirit, and study his soul and point him to a better way. Know when to say when and leave well enough alone. LOVE him. Now THAT is what Jesus would do........

writers note: This post is in no way an attempt to excuse or support anything currently written in the Bible, but to expose the error of our ways and to illuminate and hopefully eliminate the ironic perversion that takes place in the Christian community.


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with your comments. People have to have a personal encounter with the Lord to truly understand his glory. Once you experience him, you understand that his love and grace is really what matters the most, not your sin. Once you understand how much he loves you, you will want to please him, not man!! However, once you are in a leadership position in a church, it becomes majorly important for you to show good character. I'm not talking about being perfect, just a sense of integrity. Many leaders become preoccupied with making sure that their good is not spoken of as evil. However, it goes too far most times. It is a very thin line and hard to judge. You have to be at a point in life where you don't give a damn about what people think. But, most people, even me, care a little. It's a fight or flight syndrome. Most people take a flight OUT! My philosopy on the matter is to Love God with all your heart mind and soul. And, to thine own self, be true!

Meezy said...

Well said anonymous and I agree wholeheartedly with your point about leadership. To whom much is given, much is required. But I have had a chance to study the word concerning the definition of salvation and I find that man distorts it to make themselves feel better about who they are. Thank you for your comments!