Monday, August 6, 2007

Welcome To My World

This is the first of many many posts and serves to give you a glimpse into what you can expect going forward. My blogs will be extremely random and will cover a plethora of things. Hopefully you keep up with current news, otherwise you will have no idea what I am talking about. But to guide you along where I may be going with some of my topics, I thought I'd make a top 10 list of my thoughts (in no particular order...except for #1):

1) George W. Bush=Bubbles
2) Global Warming is Real- WAKE UP and GO GREEN
3) HBCU's need to step up or shut down
4) Capitalism is the new opiate of the masses
5) Corporate America is our new slave drivers
6) "Church Folk" are no longer relevant (not Christians...but "church folk"...there's a difference)
7) Domestic abuse is real and not nearly discussed enough
8) There really is a difference between black people and niggas
9) Paris Hilton Coverage=Proof of America's demise
10) Successful Black Marriages DO exist

As I said, you may be offended. You'll either love what I say or hate it (like liver and onions). Until next time people.........

Note: I am human and am open to correction and am receptive to opposing view points. Feel free to comment in a RESPECTFUL and VALUE-ADDED manner. Cuz if it's not, ya ISH get's deleted. Enjoy!


AJ said...
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AJ said...

"HBCUs need to step up or shut up..."


Where are the leaders of yesteryear? Where are the institutions that nurtured black politicians, black leaders, black businesses, and not just rappers, athletes and video hootchies (yeah, I said it!) I wanna know, I really do. I have done the black college thing and the white college thing (and then the black college thing again) and, truthfully, there are a lot of reasons to go to a black school, but education or social betterment aren't among them.

As for the black marriages thing...

Do you mean to other black people?

Meezy said...

I, too, did the black college thing, then the white college, then back to black. It seems as though there is an entire culture of mediocrity that is allowed to go on. And it starts at the top. Nobody holds anyone accountable anymore. Back in my parents and grandparents day, they were taught pride and excellence. Nowadays, it's just another job for them...and it shows. I will go on about this in a later post. As far as Black marriages. My reference to successful black marriages means a legally recognized marriage between two African American People...hopefully that clears it up.