Saturday, September 1, 2007

Michael Vick: Justified Tar and Feathering? I think NOT!

As a black woman I feel that it would be wrong and irresponsible not to comment on the Michael Vick fiasco. I won't write a long blog about this because there just isn't enough room or time for me to express the level of emotions that I have about the situation. But I will take the time to say that as much as I love dogs (I own one), the amount of torture and humiliation he is experiencing is nothing compared to the acts he is being charged with. Vick represents my brother, my father, my uncle, and my friends. He is a young black man who is being lynched (yes I said it) for something that is being practiced all over the country (predominately by white people). He made a mistake. He made a dumb decision. We all do. And he is paying a huge price for it....and doesn't deserve it. "Castrate Vick" is what their signs say.... Are you SERIOUS??!! HELL NO! THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

No matter what anyone says, we have not progressed that much in this country. It truly IS hard out here for black men (educated or not) and my heart goes out to all of them. Today my mother told me how she always told my brother that if he gets pulled over by the police for him to keep his hands on the steering wheel at all times. This is a reality for our men. How many white parents have to warn their sons about this? Asian parents? Who was there to warn Vick?I love our black men. I cherish them, I empathize with them. And more importantly I SUPPORT them. Interesting how all of this is happening on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina....Keep your eyes wide open folks.


Anonymous said...

I understand your anger and frustration about racial inequality in the justice system, but in this case your sentiments are misplaced. Michael Vick pled guilty to financing and helping to run a large scale, multi-state, criminal business over a period of six years, then he lied about it to his employer and everyone else until there was no way he could continue lying. No, Vick does not deserve to be castrated, but his business enterprise was vicious and unacceptable to nearly everyone in the country--of all races. Because of his own actions, Vick deserves the punishment which the law prescribes for his crimes.

Anonymous said...

OK, clearly the person who made the previous comment wasn't paying attention. I believe she said his crime was heinous and he should be punished by the legal system. The problem comes from the way he is being treated by the media. He is being vilified to a whole other level, and people are acting as if he started dogfighting all by himself. Lets be clear here, dogfighting has and will continue to exist long before and long after Vick. The NFL is full of wife beaters, drunk drivers and all kinds of other shit and they have the nerve to even consider saying something like he shouldn't be allowed to play again. Give me a break!!! Please believe that if this was an obscure white lineman who did the exact same thing nobody would care. It would have gotten maybe a day in the headlines, but because he is a high profile black athlete, it is all you hear. Please believe that alot of this hell he is catching is because he is/was the highest paid player in the league over the beloved Peyton Manning...the majority can't stand the fact that this young black man has so much money.

Meezy said...

True, everyone should be accountable for their actions. If you do the crime, you do the doubt. And his acts were pretty deplorable. But as the previous commenter said, there are several DISCLOSED (that's the key here) heinous acts that have been done by other NFL players and the reaction to them are not on this scale. My outrage is the level of reaction and yes, the level of punishment. I believe someone who played for the Ravens killed a man. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is he not still playing? You can't just look at this situation in isolation.

Meezy said...

My mistake. Ravens dude did not kill a man..he was indicted for an incident that involved a death of a man.

Anonymous said...

Michael Vick's run in with the "media" (not the law) reminds me of what's been going on with both Barry Bonds, you know they hate him and O.J. Simpson, damn they hate him too. The media has it out for Bonds. How many white people took steroids but made it into the hall of fame....PLENTY. Now I don't know if O.J. "did it" but he was found NOT GUILTY and they just can't let it go. It's the same with rappers. When Biggie and Tupac had issues it was an East Coast West Coast WAR but when Kid Rock has an actual physical altercation with Tommy Lee it barely makes headlines, whats up with that.

Anonymous said...

And please believe that whatever the crime is this time with OJ (I don't know the details at all)but please believe that he will not get a fare trial. OJ is convicted in the minds of the media already, because they think he got away with murder(literally) once. So they will not let him get away again.