Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm beginning to smell the scent of field turf......

I am so incredibly excited right now! This is the time of year when I change my home page to and I begin to talk trash over IM about how my precious Carolina Panthers will overcome one more season. Yes folks, it's the dawn of football season-the greatest time of the year (besides my birthday of course ;-) ). Unfortunately my boyfriend is not a big fan- he sold his soul to the NBA devil. So it's my turn to hog the remote and make incredibly loud noises on Sunday afternoons. There's nothing like the sound of colliding helmets and whistle blows...and the sight of those pants.....sigh. I digress. I must admit that as much as I love the sport, I'm not into it enough to play fantasy football for money. I still get some names mixed up and I don't keep track of statistics that often. But I damn sure know a good game and a good team when I see one. Are the Panthers where they need to be? No. Will Eli Manning have his day of glory? I hope so. But they both have a shot at redeeming themselves this time and I can't wait to see it. This will be a great long as the Cowboys don't make it to the playoffs..........


Anonymous said...

Football season is nothing compared to NBA basketball. Now that is truly worth waiting for!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR too!!!! I LOVE football season (GO PATRIOTS!!!)... I just felt the need to say that...

And i'm riding in that same boat you are... wonderfully fulfilling man... NBA demon...Oh well...he says he'll quietly watch the game with me... so I'm going to have to call on some rowdy, boisterous, "I LOVE FOOTBALL" chicks to be in the mix... I've got your number... and tell Gee if he wants to come, I have someone here he can talk to... :)

Anonymous said...

You have just added a new book to the Bible with your comments. Let's highlight a few verses and add one more.

The first verse would be that the NFL season is the greatest time of the year. Bless the Lord!

The second verse would be that the NBA demon is real! Don't let him take over! Don't do it!

The third and probably most important verse says that the COWGIRLS will not make the playoffs. I stand in complete agreement!

Lastly, the new verse says that the REDSKINS is the best football team in the nation with the most loyal fans imaginable! That's waz up!